50 консервативных организаций и СМИ в США получили книгу LGBT movement as hegemony

Почти 50 консервативных организаций и СМИ в США получили возможность свободного распространения книги LGBT movement as hegemony. Хе-хе. Сожрите друг друга.

This book is an attempt to conceive the international LGBT movement as a political force. Politics is considered to be the art to gain and keep power. The history of the development of LGBT movement is shown, its inspirers and patrons are identified. The main threats are considered and the true goals are revealed. The technology and strategy, which allow LGBT organizations to achieve striking success, is described. Particular attention is paid to the "transgender epidemic". Homosexual behavior has also been analyzed as normal - abnormal. The author comes to the conclusion that the LGBT movement has reached the level of hegemony. It is a threat that only a very strong state can cope with.

The book was published by Publishing house «Nashe Zavtra» (Наше Завтра), title: LGBT movement as hegemony (ЛГБТ-движение как гегемония)*, author: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Maslov (Владимир Александрович Маслов), country: Russia, publishing year: 2021, ISBN: 978-5-6045084-0-4, number of pages: 554, language: Russian. An abridged and adapted English translation we present in august 2023. For all questions, you can mail: doskado@yandex.ru.

* ЛГБТ-движение признано экстремистским и запрещено в России.

LGBT movement as hegemony, download the book for free

Google Drive

PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jj3vBdYeeKtao6CFxsTn-_DNJwnV1_if/view

DOC https://docs.google.com/document/d/1keBY8FK1EugbNJJsU4tqwc6C-5cSnkaY/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=100743641922115686341&rtpof=true&sd=true

Yandex Disk

PDF https://disk.yandex.ru/i/7QpYzrEzOdPbiA

DOC https://disk.yandex.ru/i/BDhO1TszKnz94A

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